Leading With Generosity: Seven Ways to Give Back
November 16, 2016
On a recent episode of my Lykken on Lending podcast, we had the privilege of interviewing Dale Vermillion on leadership in the mortgage industry. During our conversation, we discussed something that is central to Dale's philosophy and gets at the heart of something that all great leaders in the industry value.
One of Dale's great passions is his work with Mortgage Professionals Providing Hope (MPPH), a non-profit organization that facilities service projects connecting professionals in the mortgage industry with people in need of help.
The MPPH is a great example of the kind of thing that the best leaders in our industry seek out. Why? Because the greatest leaders among us recognize how blessed they are in the opportunities they have and respond by developing the desire to give back. Giving back to society is certainly good for business, providing humanitarian aid helps bolster our public image and that of our company.
However, whether people can see the good work that we do or not, we'll do it if we're great leaders because it reveals the kind of integrity we must necessarily possess to be the great leaders we are.
Maybe you're getting to be successful in the industry, and you're looking for ways that you can give back. Surely, the MPPH is a great place to start. But giving money or volunteering for social services isn't the only way to give back. You can give back by the way you treat your employees, customers and everyone else you come into contact ways.